Bookish thoughts!!!

My name is Nicole. I'm 32 years old and live in germany. This is going to be my little space where I share all my thoughts on books that I have read. English books will get a english review. German books get an english and german review if the book is available in english.




Challenge ParticipantProfessional ReaderReviews Published2016 NetGalley Challenge50 Book ReviewsRegelmäßig automatisch bestätigt80% NetGalleyDE Challenge 2018







The Murders of Molly Southbourne!!!

The Murders of Molly Southbourne - Tade Thompson

english review only


Summary: Every time she bleeds a murderer is born. Experience the horror of Tade Thompson's The Murders of Molly Southbourne. The rule is simple: don't bleed.

For as long as Molly Southbourne can remember, she's been watching herself die. Whenever she bleeds, another molly is born, identical to her in every way and intent on her destruction.

Molly knows every way to kill herself, but she also knows that as long as she survives she'll be hunted. No matter how well she follows the rules, eventually the mollys will find her. Can Molly find a way to stop the tide of blood, or will she meet her end at the hand of a girl who looks just like her?


My review: Sweet Baby Jesus!!!


I had this book forever on my shelves, it came with my one and only book box I got years ago. I decided to pick this up cause I wanted to read a smaller book that wasn't a comic book.


This book. It's a short one but IT'S AN INTENSE PACKAGE.

I had so many feeling, about the characters, about the whole story. ABOUT EVERYTHING.


I truly want to check out more books by Tade Thompson, cause I truly love his writing and how his mind works to write incredible stories like that, that keep me up all night.

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The Lost Sisters!!!

The lost sisters  - Holly Black

english review only

audible audiobook



Summary: While Jude fought for power in the Court of Elfhame against the cruel Prince Cardan, her sister Taryn began to fall in love with the trickster, Locke.

Half-apology and half-explanation, it turns out that Taryn has some secrets of her own to reveal.


My review: This was good!!!


Listen! Do I like Taryn at the end of this? No. Did I understand her a bit better? Yes.
This was a really great way to show her point of view of the whole thing without making her out to be some sad little puppy that didn't have a choice and who now regrets everything she has done. Cause that's not want I wanted.

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Brennender Fels // The Obelisk Gate!!!

Brennender Fels - N.K. Jemisin

german and english review

audible audiobook


Inhalt: Das Ende der Welt steht kurz bevor – zum allerletzten Mal.
Noch ist es Essun nicht gelungen, ihr letztes lebendes Kind zu finden – und den Mann, den sie einst geliebt hat, bevor er zum Mörder ihres Sohnes und Entführer ihrer Tochter wurde. Stattdessen wurde Essun gefunden: von ihrem ehemaligen Mentor, Alabaster Tenring, dem Zerstörer der Welt. Und er hat eine Bitte, die nur sie erfüllen kann. Doch wenn Essun tut, wonach der Mächtige verlangt, könnte dies das Schicksal der Menschheit endgültig besiegeln.
Meilen entfernt wächst derweil die Macht in Essuns Tochter unaufhaltsam. Werden ihre Entscheidungen schließlich die Welt vernichten?


Meine Bewertung: Nicht so gut wie der erste Band aber hat mir immer noch gut gefallen!!!


Der erste Band hat mich stellenweise wirklich total verwirrt, trotzdem hatte er mich total begeistert. Die Verwirrung ist in dem zweiten Band geblieben, doch ich habe ihn irgendwie schneller fertig gehört.


Die Geschichte und die Welt in der sie erzählt wird, begeistert mich noch immer total. Auch wenn bei dem Buch hier immer wieder eine Menge Informationen auf einmal auf einem abgeladen worden ist.


Die Charaktere; ich mag wie unheimlich vielschichtig sie sind.


Ich glaube sobald ich das dritte Buch anhören kann, muss ich die Serie nochmal komplett hören. Vielleicht lässt dann auch die Verwirrung nach LOL




Summary: This is the way the world ends... for the last time.

The season of endings grows darker as civilization fades into the long cold night. Alabaster Tenring – madman, world-crusher, savior – has returned with a mission: to train his successor, Essun, and thus seal the fate of the Stillness forever.

It continues with a lost daughter, found by the enemy.

It continues with the obelisks, and an ancient mystery converging on answers at last.

The Stillness is the wall which stands against the flow of tradition, the spark of hope long buried under the thickening ashfall. And it will not be broken.


My review: Not as good as the first book but I still enjoyed it!!!


The first book confused me so many times, still I was totally into the whole things. The second book confused me just as much, somehow I managed to finish the book much quicker.


The story and the world it is set in, is still one of the greatest I have enjoyed in a while. Even though sometimes we got way too much information dumped on us.


The characters; I just really like how layered they are.


I think as soon as I get a chance to listen to the third book in the series, I have to relisten to the whole thing. Maybe this will get rid off all my confusion LOL

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Saga Vol.4!!!

Saga Volume 4 - Brian K. Vaughan, Fiona Staples

english review (spoilerfree)


Summary: Saga is the sweeping tale of one young family fighting to find their place in the universe. As they visit a strange new world and encounter even more adversaries, baby Hazel finally becomes a toddler, while her star-crossed parents Marko and Alana struggle to stay on their feet.


My review: Here's my heart...take it!!!


Let me mention the one positive thing first; toddler Hazel is the absolute cutest.


This was pretty much the only part of the book that sparked any joy in me. Everything else ripped out my heart, stomped on it before ripping it into tiny little pieces and made me more nervous and scared than any action packed volume before. BUT I LOVED IT!!!!

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Reading progress update: I've read 50%.

Flammende Schatten - Tomi Adeyemi

Taking a break from this for a minute.

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Reading progress update: I've read 20%.

Daisy Jones and The Six - Taylor Jenkins Reid

This is such a fast read, exactly what I need right now.

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Saga Vol. 3!!!

Saga, Volume 3 - Brian K. Vaughan, Fiona Staples

english review (spoilerfree)


Summary: Saga is the sweeping tale of one young family fighting to find their place in the universe. Searching for their literary hero, new parents Marko and Alana travel to a cosmic lighthouse on the planet Quietus, while the couple's multiple pursuers finally close in on their targets.


My review: SO DAMN GOOD!!!!


Seriously, this just keeps getting better and better. I love the characters more and more with every new volume. I LOVE THIS SERIES SO DAMN MUCH.


Give me diverse characters, give me adventure storylines, give me complex characters. GIVE ME STUNNING ART. (And you get 5 star ratings all around)

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Die letzte Göttin // The Last Olympian!!!

Die letzte Göttin  - Rick Riordan, Gabriele Haefs

german and english review



Inhalt: Jetzt sind Percy und seine Freunde gefragt: Ihr Todfeind Kronos holt zum letzten Schlag aus und marschiert auf den Olymp zu, mitten ins Herz von New York - dabei sind doch die olympischen Götter alle ausgezogen, um gegen das wiedererstandene Monster Typhon zu kämpfen! Gemeinsam mit den Jägerinnen der Artemis und den zum Leben erweckten Denkmälern der Stadt versuchen die jungen Halbblute, den Sitz der Götter zu verteidigen, aber zu allem Unglück haben sie auch noch einen Spion in den eigenen Reihen. Gut, dass wenigstens eine Göttin im Olymp zurückgeblieben ist ...


Meine Bewertung: Einfach ein gelungener Abschluss!!!


Ich bin so froh, dass ich die Reihe nochmal gelesen habe bevor ich die "Helden des Olymp" anfange, denn ich hatte schon wieder so viel aus dieser Reihe hier vergessen, gerade was den letzten Band anging.


Das Buch war voller Action, hatte aber auch wundervolle ruhigere Charakter Momente. Ich liebe die Entwicklung von den ganzen Charakteren. Ich liebe die Freundschaften. ICH LIEBE ALLES AN DIESER SERIE.


Der Abschluss der Serie war einfach richtig gut gemacht und macht eindeutig richtig viel Lust mit "Helden des Olymp" erneut in die Welt einzutauchen.




Summary: All year the half-bloods have been preparing for battle against the Titans, knowing the odds of victory are grim. Kronos's army is stronger than ever, and with every god and half-blood he recruits, the evil Titan's power only grows.

While the Olympians struggle to contain the rampaging monster Typhon, Kronos begins his advance on New York City, where Mount Olympus stands virtually unguarded. Now it's up to Percy Jackson and an army of young demigods to stop the Lord of Time.

In this momentous final book in the New York Times best-selling series, the long-awaited prophecy surrounding Percy's sixteenth birthday unfolds. And as the battle for Western civilization rages on the streets of Manhattan, Percy faces a terrifying suspicion that he may be fighting against his own fate.


My review: Such a great way to end the series!!!


I'm just so glad that I decided to reread the whole series before moving on to "The Heroes of Olympus", cause I forgot so much about the series and especially the last book.


The book was full of action but still had wonderful quite moments of the characters. I just love how all the characters grew. I love the friendships. I LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS SERIES.


It was a really good way to end the series and make me even more excited to start "The Heroes of Olympus" and dive back into the world.


Der Abschluss der Serie war einfach richtig gut gemacht und macht eindeutig richtig viel Lust mit "Helden des Olymp" erneut in die Welt einzutauchen.

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Die geheimnisvolle Treppe // The Vanishing Star!!!

Die geheimnisvolle Treppe - Maureen Johnson

german and english review

audible audiobook



Inhalt: Willkommen zurück an der Ellingham Academy!
Endlich hat Stevie einen entscheidenden Hinweis auf den Schreiber des Erpresserbriefes gefunden, der sich hinter dem Namen Wahrhaftiger Lügner verbirgt. Aber nach dem tragischen Unfall eines Mitschülers nehmen ihre Eltern sie von der Schule. Stevie würde alles dafür tun, zur Ellingham Academy zurückzukehren und den Entführer von Alice zu finden. Selbst einen Deal mit dem Teufel eingehen – oder Davids Vater Edward King ...

Ein toter Star. Ein entführtes Mädchen. Eine verschwundene Mitschülerin.
Bei dem Versuch, die berühmte Ellingham-Affäre zu lösen, stößt Stevie Bell auf mehr Fragen als Antworten. Doch zunächst muss sie das Verschwinden ihrer Freundin Ellie aufklären. Gemeinsam mit David macht sie sich auf die Suche nach ihr und stößt dabei auf einen versteckten Gang im Internat. Welche Geheimnisse sind noch hinter den Mauern der Ellingham Academy verborgen?


Meine Bewertung: Oooh, ich bin so froh, dass ich doch zurück gekommen bin!!!


Ich war mir nicht sicher ob ich zu der Serie zurück gehe, es gab so viele Dinge die mich in dem ersten Buch gestört hatten aber letzendlich hat meine Neugier gesiegt und hier sind wir also...


Der zweite Band hat mir so viel besser gefallen als der erste Band. Wahrscheinlich weil hier jetzt wirklich von Stevie so viel mehr ermittelt wurde. Ich kann verstehen, dass wir im ersten Band einfach die Zeit gebraucht hatten um erstmal die Academy und auch die ganzen Mitschüler und alles kennenzulernen.


Gut, dass das jetzt alles aus dem Weg war und Stevie sich jetzt wirklich (abgesehen von ihrer Nebenmission in Sachen David), wirklich auf das Ermitteln konzentrieren konnte. Ich hatte das Gefühl, wir haben davon einfach diesmal so viel mehr bekommen. Es wurden sooo viele Forstschritte gemacht und ganz ehrlich hatte ich nicht erwartet, dass wir schon die ersten Antworten auf Fragen bekommen würden. AAAAH!!!!!


In diesem Band hat mich wirklich nur David genervt, doch ich habe gelernt ihn wunderbar auszublenden und die Bücher einfach ohne ihn zu genießen, denn genau das kann ich tun wenn er nicht da ist. Ooops!!!!


Dafür haben mir die anderen Charaktere einfach wieder unheimlich gut gefallen und uch die neuen Gesichter, die wir bekommen haben.


Jetzt bin ich doch wirklich total auf Band drei gespannt und kann es garnicht abwarten ihn in die Hände zu kriegen. PLOT TWIST, denn niemand, nicht mal ich, hab kommen sehen.




Summary: All Stevie Bell wanted was to find the key to the Ellingham mystery, but instead she found her classmate dead. And while she solved that murder, the crimes of the past are still waiting in the dark. Just as Stevie feels she’s on the cusp of putting it together, her parents pull her out of Ellingham academy.

For her own safety they say. She must move past this obsession with crime. Now that Stevie’s away from the school of topiaries and secret tunnels, and her strange and endearing friends, she begins to feel disconnected from the rest of the world. At least she won’t have to see David anymore. David, who she kissed. David, who lied to her about his identity—son of despised politician Edward King. Then King himself arrives at her house to offer a deal: He will bring Stevie back to Ellingham immediately. In return, she must play nice with David. King is in the midst of a campaign and can’t afford his son stirring up trouble. If Stevie’s at school, David will stay put.

The tantalizing riddles behind the Ellingham murders are still waiting to be unraveled, and Stevie knows she’s so close. But the path to the truth has more twists and turns than she can imagine—and moving forward involves hurting someone she cares for.


My review: Oooh, I'm so happy I actually came back to this story!!!


I wasn't really sure about going back to this series, there were just so many things in the first book that I didn't like but at the end of the day, curiousity got the best of me and here we are...


The second book was so much better than the first one. Mostly because Stevie actually got to investigate and find stuff out. I totally get that in the first book we had to get to know the academy and all the other studens and stuff.


Thank god that is out of the way and Stevie (aside from her side mission concerning David) she kann actually focus on figuring shit out. I just feel like we got so much more of that this time around. We actually got somewhere and to be honest I didn't expect that we would actually get some answers already. AAAAH!!!!!!


In this book the only thing that annoyed me was David, but I found away to just ignore him really well and enjoy the books without him, cause that's how I would enjoy the books even more, with him gone. Ooops!!!!


I really enjoyed the other characters just sooo much more, and really liked the new characters we got.


Now I'm actually really excited about the third book and can't wait to get my hands on it. PLOT TWIST that no one, not even I, saw coming.

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Tochter des Chaos // Daughter of Chaos!!!

Tochter des Chaos - Sarah Rees Brennan

german and english review (not spoilerfree, I need to vent)

mir wurde das Buch von Random House für eine Testleserunde zur Verfügung gestellt


Inhalt: Eine bisher unveröffentlichte Geschichte aus Sabrinas Leben, die zwischen den Staffeln 1 und 2 der erfolgreichen Netflix-Serie spielt.

Sabrina Spellman hat die härteste Entscheidung ihres Lebens gefällt: Sie lässt ihre Freunde an der Baxter High zurück. Jetzt muss sie sich unter den jungen Hexen und Hexern an der Akademie der Unsichtbaren Künste zurechtfinden. Ihre Macht wächst täglich, aber der Preis dafür ist hoch ... Kann Sabrina ihren neuen Klassenkameraden trauen? Vor allem dem charmanten Nick Scratch und seinen Gefühlen ihr gegenüber?


Meine Bewertung: Erst zum Ende hin hat mich das Buch wirklich gepackt!!!


Ich hatte mir ein bisschen mehr versprochen, das muss ich ganz ehrlich zu geben. Das Buch ist um einiges länger als der erste Band, deswegen hatte ich irgendwie mehr erwartet aber mich hat das Buch erst wirklich zum Ende hin überzeugen können und das war einfach zu spät.


Während ich in der Serie Harvey und auch Nick wirklich mag, haben sie mich in dem Buch nur gestört und viel zu viele Kapitel mit ihrem Hin und Her verschwendet, was ich nicht wirklich gebraucht hätte. Ich hatte das Gefühl, dass Sabrina in dem Band mehr oder weniger in den Hintergrund gerückt ist. Was nicht mal so schlimm gewesen wäre, wenn ich dafür interessantere Geschichten von anderen gehört hätte. An Stelle von Nick und Harvey, hätte ich mir einfach mehr Roz oder Susie gewünscht.


Am interessantesten waren für mich einfach viel mehr Sabrina's Kapitel und die von Prudence. Hier sind wirklich interessante Dinge passiert, die unterhaltsam zu lesen waren und wirklich Spaß gemacht haben.


Alles im Allem habe ich immer noch das Problem, dass die Charaktere in den Büchern für mich nicht so klingen wie die Charaktere in der Serie. Da die Beiden nun mal zusammenhören, bringt es mich einfach immer wieder raus.


Im Allgemeinen, die Bücher sind gut als Ergänzung, es stellt mich aber trotzdem nicht wirklich zufrieden.




Summary: Half-witch, half-mortal sixteen-year-old Sabrina Spellman has made her choice: She's embraced her dark side and her witchy roots. Now her power is growing daily... but will it come at too high a price?

Sabrina Spellman has just made the hardest decision of her life: She's leaving behind her beloved friends at Baxter High. Now it's time to follow the path of night and find her way among the witches and warlocks at the Academy of Unseen Arts.

Sabrina has always been good at the school thing, but now she has a whole new world to navigate. Her power is growing daily, but it comes with a high price. She must always remember her new allegiances and the cost they have on her friends... and on herself.

And then there's her new classmates. Prudence, Dorcas, and Agatha are friends, kind of, but can Sabrina trust them? And what about Nick Scratch? He's as charming as ever, but will his feelings for Sabrina last?

Based on the hit Netflix show, this original YA novel tells an all-new, original story about Sabrina.


My review: I only really enjoyed this towards the end!!!


I expected more of this to be completely honest. This book was quite a bit longer than the first one, so I just expected more to be happening but this book took until the end to really grab my attention and that was just way too late.


While I actually like Harvey and also Nick in the tv show, they just annoyed me in this book and there were just so many chapters wasted on their back and forth and I just didn't need that. I felt like Sabrina was put in the background in this book. Which isn't that bad IF I would've gotten some actually interesting storylines instead. Instead of all the Nick and Harvey nonsense, I would have loved more Roz and Susie.


What held my interest the most were the Sabrina chapters and the ones from Prudence point of view. Here I felt like I actually got something interesting, that was entertaining and just fun to read about.


All in all, I still have the problem that the book characters don't sound like the tv show characters to me. And that just takes me out of the story all the time, cause these two are supposed to be intertwined.


Overall, the books are a nice add on but I'm not really satisfied.

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Reading progress update: I've read 10%.

Die geheimnisvolle Treppe - Maureen Johnson

Wasn't that sure if I would go back to this, but this showed up on audible and well, I'm weak and couldn't just not continue.

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Radio Silence!!!

Radio Silence - Alice Oseman

english review only
audible audiobook


Summary: Frances Janvier spends most of her time studying.

Everyone knows Aled Last as that quiet boy who gets straight As.

You probably think that they are going to fall in love or something. Since he is a boy and she is a girl.

They don’t. They make a podcast.

In a world determined to shut them up, knock them down, and set them on a cookie cutter life path, Frances and Aled struggle to find their voices over the course of one life-changing year. Will they have the courage to show everyone who they really are? Or will they be met with radio silence?


My review: I'M IN LOVE!!!


Seriously, I'm in love with everything that Alise Oseman is writing. This is now my second book by her and so not my last one. I need to read everything she already has out and I need to read everything she is going to publish in the future. I NEED EVERYTHING.


She has just such a unique and special way to write her stories and her characters. I LOVE HER CHARACTERS SO DAMN MUCH. Frances and Aled, I'M IN LOVE WITH BOTH OF THEM. I LOVE THEIR FRIENDSHIP. I love a strong friendship in a book and this is what I got right here.


While I listened to the book and got closer and closer to the end, I already felt the need to reread or relisten to it. I LOVE THE STORY JUST SO DAMN MUCH!!!!!

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Reading progress update: I've read 28 out of 464 pages.

Die letzte Göttin  - Rick Riordan, Gabriele Haefs

Why yes, I started yet another book...

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I'll Be Gone in the Dark!!!

I'll Be Gone in the Dark: One Woman's Obsessive Search for the Golden State Killer - Gillian Flynn, Gabra Zackman, Patton Oswalt, Michelle McNamara

reread thoughts: I still get all the chills reading this.




english review


audible audiobook
*warning this review is written while I have some headcold going on. I can't breathe and can't hear properly. If my review doesn't make sense or doesn't seem thought out really well, blame it on the huge cloud around my head*

This was such a chilling read for so many different reasons.

That case is all kinds of disturbing. BUT it was told in such a great way. Seriously, the writing. (Also, I truly enjoyed the way the audio book was produced).

The last few chapters. Especially the letter towards the end just gave me all the chills.
I also loved the (kinda) discussion part at the end about how much that book helped find the son of a bitch, or if it didn't help at all. That was...interesting.

I HIGHLY recommend this book!!!
Even though I'm super into True Crime, I think that was the first time I actually read a book about it. I have some serious catching up to do. But this one set the bar really high.

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Wilde Women!!!

Wilde Women - Louise Pentland

english review only



Summary: You never know what surprises life has in store . . .

Robin Wilde is crazy busy with her exciting job and her lovely new man. She's parenting with flair, and she's feeling better after the heartbreak of last year. But with so little time to herself, and best friend Lacey's increasing struggle with post-natal depression, the cracks are beginning to show. Cue a team trip to New York. It might just be the tonic Robin, Lacey, Auntie Kath, Edward and even Piper need.

But when a huge family secret is exposed, Robin's life looks even closer to falling apart.



My review: ALL THE DAMN FEELS!!!


This is going to be as spoilerfree as possible. This isn't just the third book in this series, this is also the last one. SO.


But man, when I say I had all the damn feels. I seriously mean all of them. Happiness, Anger, Giddiness, Frustration, terrible pain in every part of my heart, tears of joy, and utter shock. WHAT A DAMN RIDE!!!


This is seriously one of my favorite series, cause it feels real. The characters, WE GOT SO MANY INCREDIBLE WOMEN, no one is the same, they are all different, different stages of their life, different mind sets, BUT DAMN THIS PACK OF LADIES THAT HAS EACH OTHERS BACK LIKE NO OTHER. I LOVE THEM. I TRULY LOVE THEM.


The writting got better and better with every book. Right from book one, from the first sentence to the last book and it's last sentence, I had Louise's voice in my head telling me this story, you just can tell she put so much heart and soul into this.


AAAAAH. I need more Robin Wilde in my life, especially WITH THAT ENDING!!!!


I truly hope that Louise will write more fiction in the future. It doesn't even have to be about these characters, it can be something totally new. But I just love the way she tells her stories, and I NEED MORE!!!!

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Reading progress update: I've read 366 out of 400 pages.

Wilde Women - Louise Pentland

Bloody hell, I'm a crying mess, the one with all the happy tears. IT'S FINE!!!!

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Ich lese gerade

Flammende Schatten by Tomi Adeyemi
Bereits gelesen: 50%
Der Erlöser by Jo Nesbo
Bereits gelesen: 16%