My November 2016
Alice im Wunderland & Alice hinter den Spiegeln - 4 stars
Mister Lugosi und die verschwundenen Kinder - 5 stars
Die Insel der besonderen Kinder - 5 stars
Favorite book(s) of the month: all of them
Books started this month but haven't finished yet: Stopping the Noise in Your Head, Shopaholic, Here I am, The Fearless Travelers' Guide to Wicked Places, Goddess of Poison - Tödliche Berührung, Girl Online Going Solo
Well, well, well.
Here is the thing, when you have too many interests, sometimes you can't get anything done. Here's another thing, I won't force myself to read. If instead of reading, I just wanna lie on the couch, do some knitting and finally catch up with 1823919 tv shows and vlogs on youtube, I'm going to do that instead of reading. And one more thing, I have to realize that three books aren't really that bad, especially when you really LOVED them. Quality over quantity, right?! (ButI still feel really guilty about all the ARC's. Dang!!!)