Bookish thoughts!!!

My name is Nicole. I'm 32 years old and live in germany. This is going to be my little space where I share all my thoughts on books that I have read. English books will get a english review. German books get an english and german review if the book is available in english.




Challenge ParticipantProfessional ReaderReviews Published2016 NetGalley Challenge50 Book ReviewsRegelmäßig automatisch bestätigt80% NetGalleyDE Challenge 2018







Der verschwundene Halbgott // The Lost Hero!!!

Der verschwundene Halbgott (Heroes of Olympus, #1) - Rick Riordan

german and english review

Inhalt: Jason erinnert sich an nichts mehr - nicht einmal an seinen Namen. Leo und Piper scheinen zwar seine Freunde zu sein, aber auch das kann er nicht mit Sicherheit sagen. Und als es die drei dann plötzlich ins Camp Half Blood verschlägt, wo angeblich nur Kinder von griechischen Göttern aufgenommen werden, versteht er gar nichts mehr ...
Allem Anschein nach gehören die drei Freunde tatsächlich zu den legendären sieben Halbgöttern, die den Olymp vor dem Untergang bewahren sollen. Kein Problem, los geht's -denn Leo treibt einen kaputten mechanischen Drachen als Transportmittel auf und macht ihn wieder flott!
Und dann gilt es auch noch einen seit längerem verschwundenen Halbgott zu finden, einen gewissen Percy Jackson ...

Meine Bewertung: Ich liebe es!!!

Oh Gott, es ist großartig wieder etwas in der Welt zu lesen, vor allem etwas Neues, nachdem ich ja immer nur die Percy Jackson Reihe gelesen habe. Ich wusste echt nicht in welche Richtung die Serie hier gehen würde und war vorher auch wirklich jedem einzelnen Spoiler aus dem Weg gegangen, was garnicht so einfach war.

Ich bin total begeistert. Von den Charakteren, der Story. ALLES.

Die drei neuen Hauptcharaktere sind schon jetzt meine Babies. Ich liebe Piper so sehr. Und Leo. Jason auch, nur nicht so sehr wie die anderen Beiden. Ooops. Ich finde aber seine Geschichte unheimlich spannend und interessant. Die Freundschaft der drei ist einfach alles. Sie sind noch nicht auf dem "Percy, Annabeth, Grover sind meine Babies" Level, aber ich hab ja noch einige Bücher übrig.

Ich bin wirklich auf den Rest der Serie gespannt und wo das alles hinführt.


Summary: JASON HAS A PROBLEM. He doesn’t remember anything before waking up in a bus full of kids on a field trip. Apparently he has a girlfriend named Piper, and his best friend is a guy named Leo. They’re all students at the Wilderness School, a boarding school for “bad kids," as Leo puts it. What did Jason do to end up here? And where is here, exactly? Jason doesn't know anything—except that everything seems very wrong.

PIPER HAS A SECRET. Her father has been missing for three days, ever since she had that terrifying nightmare about his being in trouble. Piper doesn’t understand her dream, or why her boyfriend suddenly doesn’t recognize her. When a freak storm hits during the school trip, unleashing strange creatures and whisking her, Jason, and Leo away to someplace called Camp Half-Blood, she has a feeling she’s going to find out, whether she wants to or not.

LEO HAS A WAY WITH TOOLS. When he sees his cabin at Camp Half-Blood, filled with power tools and machine parts, he feels right at home. But there’s weird stuff, too—like the curse everyone keeps talking about, and some camper who's gone missing. Weirdest of all, his bunkmates insist that each of them—including Leo—is related to a god. Does this have anything to do with Jason's amnesia, or the fact that Leo keeps seeing ghosts?

My review: I love it!!!

Oh god, it was just the greatest to be back into the world and to actually read something new than just rereading the Percy Jackson series. I didn't know what to expect from this series and I avoided every single spoiler, which wasn't that easy.

I'm totally excited about this. The characters, the story. EVERYTHING.

The three new characters are my babies already. I love Piper so much. And Leo. Jason, of course, not as much as the others but I like him. Ooops. But I find his story super interesting and just fascinating. The friendship between these three is everything. They aren't on the "Percy, Annabeth, Grover are my babies" level, but I still got a few more books left.

I'm just totally excited to read the rest of the series and I'm sooo looking forward to finding out where this will go.

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Angstphase: Warum ich meine Angst annehmen musste, um wieder frei und selbstbestimmt zu leben!!!

Angstphase: Warum ich meine Angst annehmen musste, um wieder frei und selbstbestimmt zu leben  - Antonia Wille

german review only
netgalley ebook

Inhalt: Antonia Wille leidet seit ihrem elften Lebensjahr an einer Angststörung. Klassenfahrten, Partys, Urlaube und so manches Jobangebot musste sie ziehen lassen, weil die Panik ihr den Atem nahm, die Angst sie krank machte. Die meiste Zeit kämpfte sie gegen die Angst an, ging in die Konfrontation und wurde doch immer wieder zurückgeworfen. Warum es ihr heute besser geht, wie sie meistens problemlos ihren Alltag meistert und wieso sie manchmal lieber verzichtet als ihre Panik überwindet, erklärt sie in diesem Buch, das zugleich ihr Coming-out als Angsterkrankte ist. Offen, ehrlich und humorvoll teilt sie ihre Erfahrungen, gibt wertvolle Tipps und spendet entlastende Worte für andere Betroffene.

Meine Bewertung: Ein Buch, dass ich wirklich dringend gebraucht habe!!!

Ich tu mich so schwer mit solchen Büchern, weil ich immer am Ende, dass Gefühl habe, dass ich zwar viele Informationen erhalten habe und auch viele Tipps bekommen habe um "geheilt" zu sein, allerdings kann ich sie einfach nicht umsetzen.

Das Buch hier ist anders. Ich mag es, dass hier nicht von Heilung gesprochen wird. Ich mag hier, dass nicht einfach nur Fakten aufgezählt wurden und das war es. Ich mag es, dass wir hier Antonia's Geschichte lesen konnten, und auch feststellen konnten, dass egal wie gut sie mit ihrer Angst umgehen kann und wirklich tolle Fortschritte macht, dass es trotzdem immer wieder Rückschläge gibt, dass es einfach keine Heilung gibt, sondern man nur lernt besser mit der Angst umzugehen.

Ich habe komplett andere Ängste als die Autorin, trotzdem fande ich es umheimlich interessant wie sie mit ihren Ängsten umgeht. Und ich hab mir so viele Abschnitte markiert, die mir einfach persönlich aus der Seele gesprochen haben.

Ich finde, dass Buch sollten nicht nur direkt Betroffene lesen, sondern auch Leute, die Umgang mit "Angsthasen" haben, oder einfach nur jeder Mensch, der Angststörung garnicht verstehen kann und es total abtut.

Das Buch finde ich persönlich unheimlich wichtig für die Diskussion um psychische Krankheiten.

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Schönheit regiert // The Belles

Schönheit regiert - Dhonielle Clayton

german and english review

audible audiobook


this review is written in the middle of a heatwave, if it doesn't make sense to you, it doesn't make sense to me either


Inhalt: Glitzernd, glanzvoll, grausam - willkommen in der Welt der Belles! Die Welt von Orléans wird von Hässlichkeit bestimmt, und nur die Belles können den Menschen Schönheit verleihen. Camelia ist eine Belle - schön, begehrt, mit magischen Fähigkeiten. Am Königshof will sie allen zeigen, dass sie die Beste ist. Doch hinter den schillernden Palastmauern lauern dunkle Geheimnisse. Camelia erkennt, dass ihre Fähigkeiten viel stärker und gefährlicher sind, als sie es je für möglich gehalten hätte. Sie sind eine Waffe, die sich andere zunutze machen wollen. Daher muss sie sich entscheiden: Soll sie die Tradition der Belles bewahren oder ihr eigenes Leben riskieren, um ihre Welt für immer zu verändern? Das Schicksal der Belles und von Orléans liegt mit einem Mal in ihren Händen...


Meine Bewertung: Ich kann das zweite Buch echt kaum abwarten...


Wow wow wow wow, das war nicht das was ich erwartet habe. Vielleicht hätte ich es erwartet wenn ich den Inhalttext vorher genauer gelesen hätte aber wer hält sich schon mit solchen Kleinigkeiten auf.


DAS BUCH WAR GUT. Es war so so so so so so so so GUT!!!!


Ich fand die Welt, die hier in dem Buch dargestellt wurde unheimlich interessant. Es ist keine Welt in der ich leben wöllte ABER es war so interessant und so großartig beschrieben. Es hatte genug Details um sich problemlos alles vorzustellen, hat aber genug Raum für die eigene Fantasie gelassen. ES WAR TOLL.


Die Charaktere sind großartig. Wir haben die Charaktere, die ich absolut liebe und wir haben die Charaktere, die ich abgrundtief hasse. Ich mein was will man mehr in einem Buch?


Das Buch fängt ziemlich langsam an, ich finde es von der ersten Seite an interessant aber es ist langsam am Anfang aber es nimmt mächtig an Fahrt auf und hat so viele Wendungen.


Da ich es als Hörbuch gehört habe, möchte ich außerdem noch erwähnen, dass mir die Sprecherin wirklich gut gefallen hatte.


Ich kann das zweite Buch echt kaum abwarten, denn nach dem Ende muss ich einfach wissen wie es weiter geht und vor allem brauch ich ein paar Antworten..




Summary: Camellia Beauregard is a Belle. In the opulent world of Orléans, Belles are revered, for they control Beauty, and Beauty is a commodity coveted above all else. In Orléans, the people are born gray, they are born damned, and only with the help of a Belle and her talents can they transform and be made beautiful.

But it’s not enough for Camellia to be just a Belle. She wants to be the favorite—the Belle chosen by the Queen of Orléans to live in the royal palace, to tend to the royal family and their court, to be recognized as the most talented Belle in the land. But once Camellia and her Belle sisters arrive at court, it becomes clear that being the favorite is not everything she always dreamed it would be. Behind the gilded palace walls live dark secrets, and Camellia soon learns that the very essence of her existence is a lie—that her powers are far greater, and could be more dangerous, than she ever imagined. And when the queen asks Camellia to risk her own life and help the ailing princess by using Belle powers in unintended ways, Camellia now faces an impossible decision.

With the future of Orléans and its people at stake, Camellia must decide—save herself and her sisters and the way of the Belles—or resuscitate the princess, risk her own life, and change the ways of her world forever.


My review: I can't wait for the second book...


Wow wow wow wow, this wasn't what I expected at all. Maybe I should've read the summary a bit more but who actually wastes time with that.


THE BOOK WAS GOOD. It was so so so so so so so so good!!!!


The setting/the whole world in this book was just freaking interesting. I wouldn't want to live in this world at all BUT it was just so interesting and so very well written. There were enough details that I could imagine everything without problems but room enough to get m own imagination going. IT WAS GREAT.


The characters are amazing. Characters that I love with all my heart and characters that I despise with everything in me. What more do you actually want?


This book starts really slow, I still was really interested in everything from the first page but it was still a bit slow but damn, does it pick up speed and twists and turns the story around.


Because I listend to the audiobook (the german one) I have to say, that I truly loved the narrator and thought she did a really good job.


I can't wait to get my hands on the second book, cause after that ending, I need to know where things are going from here and I NEED ANSWERS!!!

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Saga Vol. 7!!!

Saga, Volume 7 - Brian K. Vaughan, Fiona Staples

english review only


Summary: Finally reunited with her ever-expanding family, Hazel travels to a war-torn comet that Wreath and Landfall have been battling over for ages. New friendships are forged and others are lost forever in this action-packed volume about families, combat and the refugee experience.


My review: I LOVE PAIN!!!


For fucks sake, this book managed to find the last pieces of my hopeful soul, ripped it out and destroyed it. Everything hurts, nothing is beautiful (except for the art work), and I loved every second of it. (insert shrug emoji)

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Saga Vol. 6!!!

Saga, Volume 6 - Brian K. Vaughan, Fiona Staples

english review only


Summary: After a dramatic time jump, the three-time Eisner Award winner for Best Continuing Series continues to evolve, as Hazel begins the most exciting adventure of her life: kindergarten. Meanwhile, her starcrossed family learns hard lessons of their own.


My review: Yess, we're back!!!


The last volume didn't completely wow me (it was still good). BUT THIS ONE. This volume was once again top notch. I felt so many things. SO MANY. Incredible volume.


I love seeing Hazel grow up (I LIVE for these time jumps). And also Ghüs. I WILL PROTECT HIM WITH EVERYTHING THAT I HAVE. MY CHILD!!!

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Saga Vol. 5!!!

Saga, Volume 5 - Brian K. Vaughan, Fiona Staples

english review only

Summary: Multiple storylines collide in this cosmos-spanning new volume. While Gwendolyn and Lying Cat risk everything to find a cure for The Will, Marko makes an uneasy alliance with Prince Robot IV to find their missing children, who are trapped on a strange world with terrifying new enemies.

My review: Not my favorite but still pretty good!!!

Vol4 was intense and gave me all the feels. This one couldn't reach it or go past it. But it was still really good and had lots of action. I felt like we had a balanced amount for every single storyline going on and every group.

I'm really going to try and catch up on the rest of the series by the end of the year. I just love it so damn much!!!!

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The Queen of Nothing!!!

The Queen of Nothing - Holly Black

english review only
audible audiobook

Summary: He will be destruction of the crown and the ruination of the throne.

Power is much easier to acquire than it is to hold onto. Jude learned this lesson when she released her control over the wicked king, Cardan, in exchange for immeasurable power.

Now as the exiled mortal Queen of Faerie, Jude is powerless and left reeling from Cardan’s betrayal. She bides her time determined to reclaim everything he took from her. Opportunity arrives in the form of her deceptive twin sister, Taryn, whose mortal life is in peril.

Jude must risk venturing back into the treacherous Faerie Court, and confront her lingering feelings for Cardan, if she wishes to save her sister. But Elfhame is not as she left it. War is brewing. As Jude slips deep within enemy lines she becomes ensnared in the conflict’s bloody politics.

And, when a dormant yet powerful curse is unleashed, panic spreads throughout the land, forcing her to choose between her ambition and her humanity…

My review: This was a pretty good ending to the series!!!

I didn't love everything about this, but that is a whole for the series. It's becoming one of my favorite series, even though I hate so many characters and could do without some of the relationships (I didn't hate how things ended, but I also didn't really like or enjoy it. Cardan grew on me. A little bit. But I know as soon as I go back to book one, I will hate him again with a burning passion.)

But I love this whole book series as a whole. I love the world. This world is so freaking stunning. I just love it. I also love Jude a lot, she makes this book for me, she is one of those main characters that I TRULY love, who ends up becoming my baby that I will protect at all costs (even though she probably doesn't need it and could protect me instead, BUT OH WELL).

That's it. It probably doesn't make much sense but my weird love/hate for these books don't make much sense to me either!!!

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The Wicked King!!!

The Wicked King - Holly Black
  english review only
audible audiobook

Summary: You must be strong enough to strike and strike and strike again without tiring. The first lesson is to make yourself strong.

After the jaw-dropping revelation that Oak is the heir to Faerie, Jude must keep her younger brother safe. To do so, she has bound the wicked King Cardan to her and made herself the power behind the throne. Navigating the constantly shifting political alliances of Faerie would be difficult enough if Cardan were easy to control. But he does everything in his power to humiliate and undermine her even as his fascination with her remains undiminished.

When it becomes all too clear that someone close to Jude means to betray her, threatening her own life and the lives of everyone she loves, Jude must uncover the traitor and fight her own complicated feelings for Cardan to maintain control as a mortal in a Faerie world.

My review: Still going strong!!!

I just really like these books, man. Do I hate most of the characters and wish them a slow and painful death? Hell yes. But I just love the world, the writing, (the narrator in my case), And I JUST LOVE JUDE SO DAMN MUCH.

In other news. I still can't stand Taryn (where is the second short story for her where she explains her motives and shit LOL). And Cardan, I was thiiiiis close to actually start liking him and then the end happend and fuck you, dude. Go to hell.
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#BlackLivesMatter: Eine Geschichte vom Überleben // When They Call You a Terrorist: A Black Lives Matter Memoir

#BlackLivesMatter: Eine Geschichte vom Überleben (German Edition) - Patrisse Khan-Cullors, Henriette Zeltner, Asha Bandele

german and english review

Netgalley ebook

warning: this review is written in my angry voice


Inhalt: Wie viel ein schwarzes Leben zählt. Black Lives Matter ist die neue große Bürgerrechtsbewegung in Amerika. Als im Sommer 2013 der Feuerwehrmann George Zimmerman freigesprochen wurde, der den 17-jährigen schwarzen Schüler Trayvon Martin erschossen hatte, entstand unter dem Hashtag #BlackLivesMatter die neue Bürgerrechtsbewegung. Jetzt erzählt die Mitbegründerin ihre Geschichte.

In diesem Buch erzählt Patrisse Khan-Cullors von einer Kindheit in Angst und Armut. Und sie schildert auf bewegende Weise, wie sie sich dank Literatur und Kunst aus der Hoffnungslosigkeit befreien konnte und welche Verpflichtungen zu einem Engagement für Freiheit und Gerechtigkeit daraus erwachsen sind – in einem Amerika, dessen Minderheiten immer stärker unter Druck geraten.

Je lauter diese neue Bürgerrechtsbewegung ihre Rechte einfordert, desto kritischer wird sie betrachtet. Im Jahr 2016 bezeichnen Politiker und konservative Medien die Mitglieder von Black Lives Matter erstmals als Terroristen. Genauso wie Angela Davis vor 50 Jahren von Präsident Nixon genannt wurde. Aber sie sind keine Terroristen, sie sind Überlebende, wie die Künstlerin und Aktivistin Patrisse Khan-Cullors in ihrem Buch schreibt.

Wie viele Schwarze in den USA blickt sie auf eine Familiengeschichte zurück, die von Demütigungen und Ausweglosigkeit geprägt ist. Sie wächst während der Reagan-Jahre in einem Getto von Los Angeles auf – immer wieder stürmen Polizisten die Wohnung und suchen nach Drogen und Verdächtigen, während sie und ihre Geschwister stocksteif vor Angst auf dem Sofa sitzen. Im Alter von zwölf Jahren wird sie zum ersten Mal festgenommen und ins Gefängnis gebracht.


Meine Bewertung: Das Buch MUSS man einfach lesen!!!


Ich finde, dass ist eins der Bücher, die man gelesen haben sollte. Als jemand der wirklich hinter der #BlackLivesMatter Bewegung steht und wirklich versucht um sie auf unterschiedliche Arten zu unterstützen ist es nur noch eine weitere Erinnerung, warum die Bewegung so verdammt wichtig ist und warum sie so viel Unterstützung von uns bekommen sollte.


Das Buch empfehle ich auch denen, die den #BlackLivesMatter Hashtag mit #AllLivesMatter kontern, weil ja alle Menschen gleich sind und blah blah blah...lest dieses Buch und sagt mir, dass ihr findet, dass es wirklich Gerecht in der Welt zu geht. In diesem Buch werden Situationen beschrieben, in denen wir uns als Weiße NIEMALS sehen werden, in die wir uns nie reinversetzen können weil sie für uns keine Gefahr darstellen. Diese Erfahrungen müssen wir uns anhören oder durchlesen, ohne am Ende mit einem "Aber" zu kontern. Einfach Klappe halten, zu hören, darüber nachdenken und helfen die Welt ein bisschen besser zu machen.


Das Buch hat in mir alle möglichen Gefühle geweckt, da war Freude, da war Leid, Herzschmerz, Frust...und einfach so viel Wut, weil wir in einer Welt leben in der so viele solcher Dinge passieren und es immer noch Leute gibt, die behaupten es wäre alles besser geworden und inzwischen werden alle gleichbehandelt und jeder hat die gleichen Möglichkeiten. SHUT UP, ich wünschte so würde die wirkliche Welt funktionieren, aber das tut sie nicht!!!




Summary: A poetic and powerful memoir about what it means to be a Black woman in America—and the co-founding of a movement that demands justice for all in the land of the free.

Raised by a single mother in an impoverished neighborhood in Los Angeles, Patrisse Khan-Cullors experienced firsthand the prejudice and persecution Black Americans endure at the hands of law enforcement. For Patrisse, the most vulnerable people in the country are Black people. Deliberately and ruthlessly targeted by a criminal justice system serving a white privilege agenda, Black people are subjected to unjustifiable racial profiling and police brutality. In 2013, when Trayvon Martin’s killer went free, Patrisse’s outrage led her to co-found Black Lives Matter with Alicia Garza and Opal Tometi.

Condemned as terrorists and as a threat to America, these loving women founded a hashtag that birthed the movement to demand accountability from the authorities who continually turn a blind eye to the injustices inflicted upon people of Black and Brown skin.

Championing human rights in the face of violent racism, Patrisse is a survivor. She transformed her personal pain into political power, giving voice to a people suffering in equality and a movement fueled by her strength and love to tell the country—and the world—that Black Lives Matter.

When They Call You a Terrorist is Patrisse Khan-Cullors and asha bandele’s reflection on humanity. It is an empowering account of survival, strength and resilience and a call to action to change the culture that declares innocent Black life expendable.


My review: This book is a must read!!!


I truly think that this is one of those books that you just have to read. As someone who supports the #BlackLivesMatter movement and looks for all the ways to support them, this book is just such a reminder why this movement is so damn important and why it needs all the support.


This book is also something that people should read that just can't help themselve to answer the #BlackLivesMatter Hastag with #AllLivesMatter, since everyone is equal and blah blah this book and tell me that you truly think that the world is fair. There are situations described in this book that we as white people NEVER gonna experience, that we can never relate to cause they aren't a threat to us. Those experiences we have to listen to or read about, without retorting with a "but". Just shut up, listen, think about it, and find ways to help change the way the world works for the better.


This book gave me all the feels, there was joy, there was pain, heartbreak, frustration...and just so much anger cause we live in a world where all this shit is happening and people still talking about how much things have changed and how every person is equal and that everyone has the same opportunities. SHUT UP, I wish this was how the real world works, but it doesn't!!!

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Truly Madly Guilty: Jede Familie hat ihre Geheimnisse. Roman - Liane Moriarty, Sylvia Strasser


Das Zeiträtsel: Roman (Reise durch die Zeit, Band 1) - Wolf Harranth, Madeleine L'Engle



SLAY - Brittney Morris

audible audiobook

english review only

rating: 4.5 stars


Summary: Ready Player One meets The Hate U Give in this dynamite debut novel that follows a fierce teen game developer as she battles a real-life troll intent on ruining the Black Panther–inspired video game she created and the safe community it represents for black gamers

By day, seventeen-year-old Kiera Johnson is an honors student, a math tutor, and one of the only black kids at Jefferson Academy. But at home, she joins hundreds of thousands of black gamers who duel worldwide as Nubian personas in the secret multiplayer online role-playing card game, SLAY. No one knows Kiera is the game developer, not her friends, her family, not even her boyfriend, Malcolm, who believes video games are partially responsible for the “downfall of the black man.”

But when a teen in Kansas City is murdered over a dispute in the SLAY world, news of the game reaches mainstream media, and SLAY is labeled a racist, exclusionist, violent hub for thugs and criminals. Even worse, an anonymous troll infiltrates the game, threatening to sue Kiera for “anti-white discrimination.”

Driven to save the only world in which she can be herself, Kiera must preserve her secret identity and harness what it means to be unapologetically black in a world intimidated by blackness. But can she protect her game without losing herself in the process?


My review: I need more of this!!!


Seriously, the closer I came to the end of the book, the sadder I got cause I didn't want to say goodbye to Kiera. Also Steph and "Cicada". I LOVE THESE GIRLS TO DEATH!!!!


I don't care how realistic it is for a highschool girl to come up and run a game like this. I just don't care. CAUSE THE STORY IS INCREDIBLE. THE GAME SHE CAME UP WITH IS INCREDIBLE. The mind of Brittney Morris to come up with such an incredible gaming world and the card system and just everything.


The topics were spot on and just super interesting to read about. Also I just about had it with white people calling it racism against white people if FOR ONCE THEY AREN'T INCLUDED IN SOMETHING. I read too much of that shit in social media over the last couple of weeks. I love that this was one of the main themes of the story and how ridiculous this notion is.


I need more books about girls in the gaming world!!!

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Nimona -  Noelle Stevenson

english review only

rating: 4.5 stars


Summary: Nemeses! Dragons! Science! Symbolism! All these and more await in this brilliantly subversive, sharply irreverent epic from Noelle Stevenson. Featuring an exclusive epilogue not seen in the web comic, along with bonus conceptual sketches and revised pages throughout, this gorgeous full-color graphic novel is perfect for the legions of fans of the web comic and is sure to win Noelle many new ones.

Nimona is an impulsive young shapeshifter with a knack for villainy. Lord Ballister Blackheart is a villain with a vendetta. As sidekick and supervillain, Nimona and Lord Blackheart are about to wreak some serious havoc. Their mission: prove to the kingdom that Sir Ambrosius Goldenloin and his buddies at the Institution of Law Enforcement and Heroics aren't the heroes everyone thinks they are.

But as small acts of mischief escalate into a vicious battle, Lord Blackheart realizes that Nimona's powers are as murky and mysterious as her past. And her unpredictable wild side might be more dangerous than he is willing to admit.


My review: I really enjoyed this A LOT!!!


When I started the book, I was in for a fun adventure of a small sunshine who starts to work with a big not so soft dude, who is totally soft for her. THE JOY I FELT. And I loved them working together, I loved their banter, I loved the relationship they build. I started to have all the "found family" feels.


BUT OH BOY. This book went into a completely different direction than I thought it would. And I got so many different feels. THE HEARTBREAK, THE HURT, THE "OH SHIT, WHAT'S HAPPENING, I CAN'T DEAL WITH THIS" feels. It was A LOT.


I loved the story, I LOVED the characters. I LOVED THE ARTWORK. Holy shit, this book is freaking STUNNING.

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Dear Martin!!!

Dear Martin - Nic Stone

english review only

spoiler warning cause the summary gives a lot away

audible audiobook


Summary: Justyce McAllister is top of his class and set for the Ivy League—but none of that matters to the police officer who just put him in handcuffs. And despite leaving his rough neighborhood behind, he can't escape the scorn of his former peers or the ridicule of his new classmates.

Justyce looks to the teachings of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. for answers. But do they hold up anymore? He starts a journal to Dr. King to find out.

Then comes the day Justyce goes driving with his best friend, Manny, windows rolled down, music turned up—way up, sparking the fury of a white off-duty cop beside them. Words fly. Shots are fired. Justyce and Manny are caught in the crosshairs. In the media fallout, it's Justyce who is under attack.


My review: READ THIS BOOK!!!


I really liked the writing/narration of this book. SO DAMN GOOD.


The characters were amazingly done and there was so much growth here. On a light note: Justyce and SJ are my babies.


I loved this book for the way it punched me in the gut. This was brutally honest and I'M HERE FOR IT. This book made me angry and it frustrated me (cause let's be real for a second here, the things that happened, the big one and the small ones, THEY ARE ALL REALISTIC, this isn't overdramatised, THIS IS THE REAL), it broke my heart. It was everything that I wanted it to be and more. If The Hate U Give is a book that everyone should read, put this one on the list as well!!!


I need to read everything else that Nic Stone published!!!

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I Was Born For This!!!

I Was Born For This - Alice Oseman, Aysha Kala, Huw Parmenter

english review only

audible audiobook


Summary: For Angel Ahmadi, life is only about one thing: The Ark – a pop-rock trio of teenage boys who are currently taking the world by storm. Being part of The Ark’s fandom has given her everything – her friendships, her dreams, her place in the world.

Jimmy Kaga-Ricci owes everything to The Ark too. He’s their frontman – and playing in a band is all he’s ever dreamed of doing. It’s just a shame that recently everything in his life seems to have turned into a bit of a nightmare.

Because that’s the problem with dreaming – eventually, inevitably, real life arrives with a wake-up call. And when Angel and Jimmy are unexpectedly thrust together, they will discover just how strange and surprising facing up to reality can be.


My review: Alice Oseman can do no wrong!!! (and no one can convince me otherwise)


I read her three books in order they got published and I love them all three, but I can totally see her growth through them all.


I LOVE this one. Obviously. The diversity, without playing into any stereotypes. I'M SO HERE FOR THAT. The characters were just amazing, frustrating but so loveable. Seriously they are all my children and THEY DESERVE THE WORLD. But I have to say in this book the grandparents are the real MVP's.


I loved the story. It went into a completely different direction than I thought it would go. And I loved it. Seriously. Such great storytelling. And all the different relationships. I love Alice Oseman's way of writing really great, not romantic, relationships.


Now I only need to get my hands on Heartstopper and the new book that should come out soon, and I'm the happiest of all the beans.

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Daisy Jones & The Six!!!

Daisy Jones and The Six - Taylor Jenkins Reid

german and english review

Netgalley ebook


Inhalt: Daisy Jones, jung, schön, von ihren Eltern vernachlässigt, hat eine klare Stimme und einen starken Willen: Sie möchte mit ihren eigenen Songs auf der Bühne stehen. Als sie zum ersten Mal gemeinsam mit THE SIX auftritt, ist das Publikum elektrisiert von ihr und Billy, dem Leadsänger der Band. Die beiden zusammen sind nicht nur auf der Bühne explosiv und führen die Band zu ihrem größten Erfolg, auch Backstage sprühen die Funken …

Ein fesselnder Roman über den rasanten Erfolg einer 1970er Rockband, das Geheimnis ihrer Trennung und zugleich eine bittersüße Liebesgeschichte.


Meine Bewertung: Hat sich schon jetzt einen Platz in meiner Top 10 für dieses Jahr gesichert!!!


Ich glaub über das Buch gibt es kaum noch etwas Neues zu sagen, dass nicht schon irgendwer erwähnt hat. Deswegen müsst ihr euch das jetzt nochmal alles durchlesen.


Das Buch war großartig. Ich fand es super, dass das Buch nicht einfach so die Geschichte erzählt hat, sondern die Interview Form benutzt hat, das hat das Buch einfach zu etwas ganz besonderen gemacht. Und vor allem hat es deutlich gemacht, wie unterschiedlich mehrere Personen eine einzige Situation deuten können.


Die Charaktere. Uff. Hab ich sie stellenweise gehasst und für die selbstsüchtigsten Menschen auf der Welt gehalten und sie verflucht? Oh ja. Aber ICH HAB SIE TROTZ ALLEM GELIEBT. Sie waren echt alle total kaputt aber das hat sie total echt wirken lassen. Der Drang die Namen googlen zu wollen um noch viel mehr über sie rauszufinden war echt manchmal extrem groß. (Da das nicht geht, brauch ich ein detailierteres Buch über Karen und ihr Leben).


Die vielen verschiedenen Beziehungen in dem Buch und alle waren so unheimlich kompliziert und haben mir das Herz schwer gemacht. WOW.

Kurz gesagt; ich hatte einfach viel zu viele Gefühle für alles und jeden! Ich bin echt auf die Serie gespannt und ob sie auf Gefühlsebene da mithalten kann.




Summary: Everyone knows Daisy Jones & The Six: The band's album Aurora came to define the rock 'n' roll era of the late seventies, and an entire generation of girls wanted to grow up to be Daisy. But no one knows the reason behind the group's split on the night of their final concert at Chicago Stadium on July 12, 1979 . . . until now.

Daisy is a girl coming of age in L.A. in the late sixties, sneaking into clubs on the Sunset Strip, sleeping with rock stars, and dreaming of singing at the Whisky a Go Go. The sex and drugs are thrilling, but it’s the rock 'n' roll she loves most. By the time she’s twenty, her voice is getting noticed, and she has the kind of heedless beauty that makes people do crazy things.

Also getting noticed is The Six, a band led by the brooding Billy Dunne. On the eve of their first tour, his girlfriend Camila finds out she’s pregnant, and with the pressure of impending fatherhood and fame, Billy goes a little wild on the road.

Daisy and Billy cross paths when a producer realizes that the key to supercharged success is to put the two together. What happens next will become the stuff of legend.

The making of that legend is chronicled in this riveting and unforgettable novel, written as an oral history of one of the biggest bands of the seventies. Taylor Jenkins Reid is a talented writer who takes her work to a new level with Daisy Jones & The Six, brilliantly capturing a place and time in an utterly distinctive voice.


My review: It managed to save a spot in my top 10 list for this year, already!!!


I think there isn't anything I could say about this book that hasn't already been said. So you have to read everything all over again.


This book was incredible. I just loved how it didn't just tell us the story in the usual way, but that it was told in interview form, it just made this book that much more special. Especially since it made clear that lots of people can have a totally different few of one and the same situation.


The Characters. Uff. Did I hate them in some parts and thought they were the most selfish people in the world and cursed them? Oh yes. But I STILL LOVED THEM A LOT. They all were such a mess but it just made them feel real. The urge to google the names and find out even more about them was really strong. (Since that isn't an option I just really need a very detailed book about Karen and her life).


The many different relationships in this book were so damn complicated and left me with a heavy heart. WOW.


To makes things short, this book just gave me the feels about everything and everyone! I'm so intrigued about the show and if it can keep up with all the emotions.

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